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Global Luka vs. Europe Luka

Jul 30, 2024 Delicia

Like two peas in a pod… but not.


Luka can be bought all over the world but… did you know: there are different regional versions of Luka? If you're living in the EU or UK, the Luka closest to you is likely to be the Europe Luka sold by the German distributor! At first glance, there’s no difference at all… until you look at what they do!

If you've been looking to buy a Luka for a while, then you should make sure that you know which version you're buying. Let's compare the main differences between the Global and Europe Luka versions — and we'll explain why we only have a Global Luka filter in our bookshop! Here's an overview of what you'll find in this review comparison:

  1. A quick summary!
  2. Comparing Luka Apps
  3. Comparing Luka Libraries
  4. Comparing Luka Features
  5. Conclusion

Before we begin… I should make this disclaimer extremely clear: we are a partner bookshop with Luka Reads. However, I have tried my utmost to provide an impartial review of the regional Lukas in comparison. I really hope those efforts have been demonstrated in the review! Let me know if you have any concerns, though — always keen to make improvements and edits/updates where needs be.

A Quick Summary

  Europe Luka Global Luka
Mobile App Works with UK/EU App only Works with non-UK/EU App only
Buy recordings separately All recordings come free
Self-record any book
Luka Library 31 Chinese books Over 70,000 Chinese books
45 English books Over 20,000 English books
Over 400 German books and other languages No other languages supported
Luka Features Luka speaks in German or English Luka speaks in Mandarin Chinese or English
Audiobooks in German Audiobooks in Chinese
Music in German Music in Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, German, French
No personal library for MP3s Upload your own MP3s to personal library
No audio scheduling Audio scheduling allowed

For the table above and in the rest of this blog, I use some terms quite specifically, so here's a glossary to help you differentiate between quite similar terms:

  • Global Luka: the Luka distributed by our partner, Luka Reads in Singapore
  • Europe Luka: the Luka distributed by World of Luka in Germany
  • Recording: a recording of a book that Luka can read when presented with the picture book
  • Library: all recordings available on a Luka
  • Audiobook: an audio track that can be played without a physical book (like a CD player)
  • Audio: any audio that isn't a recording (i.e. audiobooks and music)
  • App stores: the place where you download apps (e.g. Apple's App Store or Google's Play Store). It's important to note that different countries will have different app libraries due to local restrictions, markets and rules.

Luka App

Depending on where you are in the world, you'll be accessing a different app library. The Luka App on the UK/EU app libraries is different to the Luka App you get in another country's app store.

This is really important because you can only use a Luka with its respective app! In other words, you can only use an Europe Luka with the UK/EU Luka App and you can only use a Global Luka with the Global Luka App.

There are certainly ways to gain access to another country’s app library if you wanted to download the Global Luka App but are living in the UK. Doing this is fairly easy on both Android and iOS! If you're unsure, just drop a comment below or contact us and we can futher explain this to you.

If you want to read a book with Luka, you will need access to the recording. On the UK/EU Luka App, you have to purchase each recording separately for Luka to read them. However, on the Global Luka App, all recordings are immediately available for free.

Apart from that (quite crucial) difference, the other app features are very similar. You can:

  • search for books by title, author, or ISBN.
  • search and discover books by category.
  • view a report of your child’s reading activity.
  • add people to your family circle which grants them control over the Luka, too.
  • send preset messages that Luka will say (e.g. “Go to sleep”).
  • manage audiobooks and music on your Luka
  • make self-recordings of any book (even if it isn’t on the library) for free.


Making self-recordings is a really handy feature to have and it's available for both Lukas. With it, you can make any self-recording of any book regardless of whether that book is available through the library or not. So, that means you can just scan any book you fancy… and, voila! You can record your own voice over the pages and it'll read just like any other book once everything is ready. It’s great that they’ve kept this feature the same on both the UK/EU and Global app — much appreciated!

Luka App — Overall

In our opinion, the crucial difference is whether you have to pay to gain access to the recordings and this may, or may not, be a dealbreaker for you. Otherwise, the UK/EU app and the Global app are very similar with the features that they offer but, as you’ll read later in this comparison, the range offered within each feature varies a lot and this may also affect your final decision.

Luka Library

The Europe Luka library is mainly focusing on expanding its German library at the moment. Since it was launched in 2020, the German library has grown to over 400 books. On the other hand, the library currently consists of only 31 Chinese books and 45 English books. There are also other languages like Arabian, Dutch, French, Italian but some of these libraries have only 2 books and others have about 50.

The Global Luka library is mainly focusing on expanding its Chinese library but also has a very extensive English library which is always expanding, too. At the time of writing this, there are only two languages available on the Global Luka library. There are over 70,000 Chinese books and over 20,000 English books.

Luka Library — Overall

While the Europe Luka library has a wider range of languages, the Global Luka certainly has a more specialised and extensive library for Chinese and English. So, the final decision should really come down to your situation at home. If you’re looking for German books, go for the Europe Luka. But if you’re looking for Chinese and/or English books, the Global Luka is definitely the way to go.

Other Luka features

Luka is able to talk in another language other than English but the other choice of language differs depending on what Luka you have. The Europe Luka can talk in either English or German; the Global Luka can talk in English or Mandarin Chinese. For both Lukas, the language is selected through the app under ‘Settings’. Easy!

Aside from reading, Luka can also function like a sort of radio controlled by the app. You'll be able to choose from a selection of audiobooks. As always, the selection varies greatly depending on what app you’re using.

The Global Luka App has a wide range of different topics to choose from and various audiobooks that target different Mandarin Chinese proficiency levels. It's a little late to late to add now: but, these audiobooks are only (or mainly? I haven’t checked every single one) in Mandarin Chinese. The UK/EU Luka App allows you to choose from a small handful of audiobooks and recordings but these are available in German rather than in Mandarin Chinese.

Just like most radios, Luka will be able to play music chosen from the Luka App. And, like the audiobooks, this selection varies depending on which app you have.

The main difference is the languages that the music is available in. While you can get some children's songs in German on the Europe Luka, you can get a whole variety of genres and langauges for music on the Global Luka. These languages include: English, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean and a handful of French and German songs, too. The genres are also quite wide-ranging, and even suitable for adults. (Ranging from K-pop to classical, and from Mandopop to rock!)

If you own a Global Luka, there is, apparently, a way to get your own audio playing on Luka via the Luka Cloud (at As far as I know, you receive about 2 GB of storage space (about 46 hours of audio) and you can upload anything as long as it is an MP3 file with a sample rate less than 128 kbps. That said, I haven’t been able to actually get this to work yet – and I’m not sure why. The concept is really cool but… for now, it’s not so helpful.

There may not be a scheduling feature in the Europe Luka but, considering the audiobooks and music are a little limited, it's probably not necessary. However, with the huge selection of audiobooks and music available on the Global Luka, the scheduling feature is really helpful. The Global Luka App will provide a timetable that breaks down the typical day into half-hour slots. You can then schedule selected music or audiobooks to play in those slots. This way, if your Luka is on standby during those times, you just have to push play on your app rather than searching and queueing each item.

Perhaps, overall, one of the questions you must ask yourself is: if I were to use these audio resources, which language do I want to prioritise? As it stands, the Global Luka audio selection definitely win on the basis of variety and, thus, utility. In my opinion, having the wider range of audiobooks makes using Luka more varied and interesting for children.

In addition, probably buying the Europe Luka based on the audio resources may not be the wisest decision because the range available is lacking slightly, at the moment. This isn't to say that the Europe Luka will never improve. We expect that the Europe Luka will work on adding more audio to their selection but we also expect that to be pretty low on the priority list in comparison to expanding their library – and probably rightly so. It is the 'Reading Robot Companion', after all!


The region versions of Luka have always caused a bit of confusion for people trying to buy one — hence, this review! It's pretty clear that the Global Luka and the Europe Luka are on different paths at present. While the Europe Luka seems to be working on expanding its German library ever since it launched in 2020, the Global Luka already has quite an established library of Mandarin Chinese and English recordings.

If you've been thinking of buying a Luka, you may or may not have been aware of the regional Lukas. This comparison review should help you decide which Luka will best fulfill the purpose your Luka will serve, how you intend to use it and how Luka is meant to fit into your bi- or multilingual environment.

In general, if you're looking for a developed Chinese and/or English library, we often recommend the Global Luka without batting an eyelid because it combines free access to their massive library with a sizable variety of other resources. But, those looking for a German library (or perhaps some other continental European language — I'd double-check with the Luka Europe team, though) are almost certainly better off with a Europe Luka. Nonetheless, every household situation is unique, so it's important that this final decision is yours to make.



Where to buy:

  • Global Luka (Singapore distributor): Luka Reads ( – don’t forget, use DEZIREMI20OFF to get $20 SGD off your order
  • Europe Luka (German distributor): World of Luka (

A little side note if you're thinking of buying the Global Luka…
Now that we’ve cleared up the regional Luka differences, you should also know that Luka Reads (our partner) sell different types of Luka (Basic, Mini, Hero) that are designed to fulfill slightly different purposes. Here are some detailed comparisons by other wonderful bloggers:

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